Friday, September 18, 2009

The Missile and the Citizens by Jason & Tommy, both age 10

This "cycle story" is part of a series of Room 2 stories inspired by the Argentinian folktale "The Sun and the Snow."

Missile who blew up our houses,
Why are you evil?
I am not evil.
The launcher is evil who controls me.

Launcher who controls the missile,
Missile who blew up our houses,
Why are you evil?
I am not evil.
The war is evil who puts me to work.

War who puts the launcher to work,
Launcher who controls the missile,
Missile who blew up our houses,
Why are you evil?
I am not evil.
The countries are evil who fight.

Countries who fight,
War who puts the launcher to work,
Launcher who controls the missile,
Missile who blew up our houses,
Why are you evil?
We are not evil,
The politicians are evil who argue.

Politicians who argue,
Countries who fight,
War who put the launcher to work,
Launcher who controls the missile,
Missile who blew up our houses,
Why are you evil?
We are not evil.
The citizens are evil who vote for us.

Citizens who vote for the politicians,
Politicians who argue,
Countries who fight,
War who puts the launcher to work,
Launcher who controls the missile,
Missile who blew up our house,
Why are you evil?
We are not evil,
The missile is evil who blew up our houses.

About the Authors

Hi! My name is Tommy. I live in San Francisco with my mom, dad, and my brother. I am ten years old. I like to play my XBox360 and I also like to play Runescape. I am good at opening stuff and Mario Kart. When I grow up I wanted to be a scientist because they can do experiments. I like this game called Ninety-Knights. I like to play Ninety-Knights because in the game I am a boy character with a stick that can blast people away like a gun and I also like to play the game call Metal Slug 7. I am also the author of The X Army and many poems.

Hi! My name is Jason. I like to play on my Wii and DSI. I am good at many war games such as Halo, Metal Slug and Call of Duty. When I grow up, I want to be a pharmacist. If I were a machine I would be computer because they are very useful. I am also the author of Curses, Goshi and the Dragon, and Dimension Problem and many poems.

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